Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have had a cold for the last few days that was only getting worse, so yesterday I tried to find a doctor that could see me. I haven't seen a general family doctor since my pediatrician and had a lot of trouble finding someone who would take a new patient same day.

Atlanticare has a hot line (888-569-1000) that helps you find local doctors so I gave them a call. They set me up with a new patient appointment for January and suggested that I go to Shop Rite in Somers Point to the Healthrite Nurse Practitioner. I will tell you I was very skeptical about seeing someone in a grocery store, but I couldnt find anybody that could see me before work.

Note: Below is what was prescribed for me. If you are ill please see a professional, I reccommend Healthrite if your in a bind.

Nurse Dawn Gadon, APN, diagnosed me with Bronchitis. She prescribed guifenesin (Mucinex), dextromethorphan (shoprite generic cough syrup), codeine-promethazine (cough syrup w/ codeine), prednisone, and azithromycin (a z pack). The first two are OTC and the last three were prescription. She printed a visit summary that included instructions for the medications, info on bronchitis, and a list of reactions that would require emergency care.

Nurse Gadon was very sympathetic and kind. Turns out her location in shop rite was great too. Her office is at the end of the pharmacy counter and across from the first aid isle. At the conclusion of my visit she gave me a $5 Shop Rite gift card and then walked me down the isle to show me the two generic OTC medications she prescribed.

This was a bit of an emergency given my time frame and needs. The service provided was great, I was able to sleep through the night last night, and it was just very convenient overall.


  1. WOW! Glad you got to see someone and are feeling better, but be careful that sounds like a LOT of medicine to be taking.

  2. Thought you might like this blog. I thought it was pretty neat http://www.younghouselove.com/

  3. its quite a bit. i take the codeine cough syrup before bed an last night I slept the night. the z pack is an antibiotic in case its bacteria related. one is an otc cough syrup that i take twice a day and one is a mild steroid once a day to open airways. the final is mucinex generic to loosen congestion that is once every four hours. the mucinex helps get through my day on the phone... i strongly recommend it because it helps me cough up all the garbage but also helps with the coughing fits that were so inconvenient when spending eight hours on the phone.
